

Preaching and Equipping Pastor: Grant Clay

Family: Married to Suzanne with three children.
Education: Covenant Theological Seminary, London School of Theology, North Park Theological Seminary, Whitworth University
Ministry: Emphasis on preaching and teaching.

Associate Pastor:
Brad Dettwyler

Family: Married to Christine with two children.
Ministry: Hospitality ministries and ministries to the whole church family. Oversees Family Life Groups and Adult Education Classes.

Discipleship and Worship Pastor: Michael Tourtellotte

Family: Married to Amanda with two children.
Education: Biola University
Ministry: The development, implementation, and oversight of all EBC ministries to students Jr. High - young adult.


Director of Biblical Counseling and Women's Ministries:
Karen Avinelis

Family: Married to Tom with two children & six grandchildren.
Ministry: Teaching and shepherding to develop the spiritual strength and maturity of the women at Emmanuel Bible Church.


Director of Youth Ministries: Jacob Olson

Family: Married to Janella with one child.
Education: Chemeketa Community College and Bethany Global University.
Ministry: The development, implementation, and oversight of all EBC ministries to students Jr. High - young adult.

Director of Children's Ministries: Claire Roth

Education: Whitworth University and Oregon State University
Ministry: The development, implementation, and oversight of all EBC ministries to children, infants-elementary school.

Office Manager:
Mindy Walz

Ministry: Serving the pastoral staff in their various ministries, specifically by planning, coordinating, assigning and personally participating in the daily office work.

Administrative Assistant:
Marta Ray

Ministry: Assisting in serving the pastoral staff in their various ministries by providing administrative and operational support.

Elder Board
Tom Aman
Grant Clay
Brad Dettwyler
Nathan Gehring
Scott Shetler
Graham Slater
Michael Tourtellotte
Harold Tuggy

Church Board
Karen Avinelis
Brad Dettwyler
Lora Lierman
Wally Lierman
Deron Neukomm
Jacob Olson
Claire Roth
Dennis Roth
Graham Slater
David Steffen
Amanda Tourtellotte
Harold Tuggy
Bob Zirschky