Who We Are

Emmanuel Bible Church is all about Jesus! He established us, He sustains us, He presides over us, and we exist for His pleasure and glory.
In His infinite wisdom and marvelous grace He chose us to be an expression of His life in this community (and wherever else He leads us).
So in all our gatherings, events, and activities we are conscious of His presence and intentional about acknowledging His lordship and following His leadership.

Pratum is not exactly a prominent city. EBC is certainly not a mega-church. But God has been extraordinarily generous with us. He has let us be part of a growing family of believers that truly love each other. He has provided everything we need to grow and flourish in our walk with Him. He has allowed us to be a spiritual refuge in this neighborhood. He has privileged us to be included in His grand, eternal purpose of glorifying Himself and His Son, and He is giving us an increasingly significant role in that plan. He has equipped and empowered us to do works of service that are advancing the kingdom of Christ. He has opened the door for us to be involved in the spiritual harvest, both here in our community and abroad. He has even called and deployed some of us to make disciples in the uttermost parts of the earth.

Emmanuel Bible Church is not perfect (you knew that already!). Like any church we have our share of challenges and problems. We are certainly not exempt from trials and tragedies. But rarely does a day go by when I don't marvel at God's incredible goodness to us, even in the midst of difficulty and disappointment.

May God be praised! And may He continue to shine His light upon us, for the sake of His dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!